Delightful Test Automation Experience For All

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Action Based Testing is a modern keyword-driven test development method that employs ABTL, a domain specific language that is specifically designed for Test Automation.
Unified platform to automate Web, Webservice, Desktop, Image, Database Testing, and more
From early-stage startups to Fortune 100s, TestArchitect and our Professional Service team have helped our clients build robuts solutions capitalizing the full potential of Test Automation.

The Advanced Codeless Automation Solution

TestArchitect is an integrated codeless Test Automation platform that focuses on scaling up Test
Automation coverage & productivity.

Key Features

Tools Integrations for CI/CD/DevOps Testing
Web & Web Service
Legacy App
Data & Database
More Automated
Did you know? LogiGear is proud to add our newest addition to the TestArchitect family -Gondola
Try it free today Download Now
Take advantage of Test Architect's brand new execution method to run your test lightly and efficiently.
Download TestArchitect 9

Why TestArchitect is Better for

Are you looking for a Test Automation tool that can bring all of your team members into a collaborative Automation production process? If so, TestArchitect is a great fit. With TestArchitect, you can leverage a smaller programming staff to support a much larger non-programming staff.
Flexible Staffing TestArchitect
Automate Web, Web Services, Destop & More
Low Maintenance Cost
High Automation Coverage
Apps are developed, changed and deployed faster than ever. It requires you to be able to adapt to the changing marketplace quickly and effectively. TestArchitect provides you with the flexible framework to adapt to these changes and get more done faster. TestArchitect is hackable and can be easily customized for your environment.
Intuitive Action-Based IDE
Easy To Extend
API Integration Testing Support
Continuous Integration
In an environment where complex business applications rely heavily on business testers with deep domain expertise, TestArchitect stands apart. We understand that Automation productivity is not as much a technical challenge, as it is a test design challenge, and we built TestArchitect with this in mind.
Tests in Spreadsheet
Test Design Focused
Comprehensive Pre-built Actions Library
Integration with Test Management Tools

Continuous Testing Made Easy

TestArchitect’s tool integrations help you seamlessly immigrate into continuous testing,
and continuous quality reporting and assessment using your QA management tools.

Customer Success Programs

We are committed to helping you maximize the ROI and drive the adoption of TestArchitect into your organization. With our elite team of support engineers and automation consultants in place, we can help you utilize the knowledge gained from helping other organizations to transform their testing processes.
Product Support
Training &
Automation Delivery

Select customers

Case studies

Halliburton Reduces End-to-End Integration
Testing Time by 99%

What Our Customers Say

Test Automation Resources

Agile Automation
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Test Automation
Data-Driven Testing
with Keywords
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1730 S. Amphlett Blvd. Suite 200, San Mateo, CA 94402

Tel +1 (650) 572-1400