Get Started
This page provides you with progressively more advanced information so that you can get started with TestArchitect more quickly
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After installing TestArchitect, input your credential information and start your TestArchitect Team license. TestArchitect Team is a perpetual license. But it includes usage limits. If you want to unlock a full license, please contact us to purchase TestArchitect Enterprise license.
See the diagram below to understand the basics of TestArchitect's project items, the concept of interface mapping (in which user interface objects are identified by their properties), and a quick reference sheet related to Action-Based Testing language.GETTING STARTED VIDEO SERIES
#1: TestArchitect - Install the TestArchitect Build and Write your First Test
Register a free account and download the latest build from ( You then can automate your tests using TestArchitect at no cost.
#2: TestArchitect - A Guide to Write your First Automation Test for Web Application
Create your first automated test using the sample web application. In this lesson, you will learn how to capture web-based application elements using TestArchitect's Web Interface Viewer and then execute the automated test.
#3: Create a project
Create a TestArchitect repository, the database which stores your projects. Following that, create a project to hold your test assets.
#4: Create a test module
Establish a simple test case. Then create a test module to house that test case, and learn the functional sections of a well-structured test module.
#5: Map the user interface
Explore the concept of interface mapping, in which user interface objects are identified by their properties. Then use TestArchitect's Interface Viewer to capture the UI objects you need, assign logical names to those objects, and store your mappings in interface entities.
#6: Author the test
Populate your test module with the action lines needed to automate your test case. And explore how to accelerate test authoring with the editor's Content Assist toolset.
#7: Run the test & review the results
Execute your test, and view the results that TestArchitect reports, including moment-by-moment screenshots of the target application during the test.
#8: Create a user-defined action
With no change in functionality, encapsulate your system-level action lines into a user-defined action, for purposes of reusability, readability, and proper Action-Based Testing design. Parameterize your new action to maximize its reusability.
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